
iKuddle Blog

Cat Litter Disposal 101

Did you know that there are several risks involved when used cat litter isn’t properly disposed of? Here’s a quick rundown of the various risks and best practices for cat litter disposal.  Flushing Litter Down the Toilet Wouldn’t it be...


4 Health Hazards from Litter Box Odor

Litter box odor is most commonly caused by ammonia. Ammonia fumes have a distinct fishy smell, and the fumes’ mainly formed from the decomposition of the bacteria in cat urine. Ammonia fumes have several health hazards: Ammonia is a respiratory...


How Often Should Cats Poop?

How Often Should Cats Poop? Once a day is the general guideline for how often an adult cat poops, but up to three times a day is still considered normal. If your cat is pooping less than once every 24...